Around the Homestead

by | May 10, 2016


(The girls are painted with blood root war paint!)

This could be alternately titled “Mama Wants to Play with Her New Camera Lens“.  Mother’s Day was crazy, with six kids, commencement at the college where Andrew works, and two First Holy Communions.  But!  I still received the new lens that I’ve been pining after, so that was a sweet little bonus.


This flat of beans is being grown so we can snip the sprouts and add them to salads!

It’s been raining nearly non-stop for the last week or so.  It is pretty awful for the mood of someone who just wants to be out in the sunshine, but it’s a happy situation for the plants, so I’ll try to have a better outlook!


It’s funny, we tend and toil for our gardens, but in the end, it’s the seed, the earth, the rain, and the sunshine that do the real work!


I took a stroll around during a brief rain hiatus this afternoon.  The tomatoes and borage, lettuce and root crops, peas and beans all seem to be doing well.


Our blueberry bushes are happy, too.  They’re filled with blossoms and I even found a volunteer blueberry at the base of a nearby tree.  I didn’t really realize that a blueberry could volunteer!  But this little bush has blossoms, too.


These dwarf sunflowers are being grown in an old, rusty roasting pan that Andrew scooped out of the river and presented to me, proudly.  “This will make a GREAT planter!”  (Pro tip: marry the guy who indulges your crazy!)


And pigs!  The pigs arrived a week or so ago and are cute as can be.  We are excited to be supplementing our pigs with spent beer grains from our local micro-brewery this year.


What’s better than beer bacon??  Pretty much nothing.


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About The Author: Sarah Antonio

Keeper of all the adventure gear, provisions, and abandoned shoes, I’m the one who brings our adventure to you.


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